News and stories

Recognizing the severity of global climate related risks, we are making our small contribution to mitigate them. Here you will find our stories and links to news and views on carbon emissions and environment related issues.

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"And if we have a tree in our name, we want that tree to live."

At the launch of the World Economic Forum’s trillion trees initiative in Davos, Jane Goodall suggests naming trees as a way to protect trees, perhaps to even have a tree named after you? Watch Jane Goodall’s full address at Davos 2020, and read more about it her idea here.

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It’s Like Being Born Again: Planting Trees as a Type of ‘Eco therapy’

Trees for Life is an organisation that understands the benefits of planting trees on a personal and individual level. A part of their Rewild and Recover programme allows for refugees as well as people coping with poor mental health or homelessness to plant native saplings to help the charity in…

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Plant a Trillion Trees?!

Swiss researchers say planting a trillion trees could be a way to countering the effects of climate change, potentially up to 25 years’ worth of carbon pollution. One of the authors of the study, Thomas Crowther, says that we should not stop with other technologies. He also said in order…

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7 Reasons Why We Should All Be Planting Trees

“It’s thought there are three trillion trees in the world. While that might sound like a lot, most of them are in the tropics – and we’re removing around 15 billion a year – and only replanting around five billion.” Read more here and here to learn about the benefits…

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Planting Trees Could Still be a Good Thing as Long as it’s Done Thoughtfully

Though many studies have highlighted the importance of planting trees as an effective measure for tackling climate change, things may not be that simple. For one, planting trees needs to be done in consideration of the pre-existing ecological setup of the land, so that planting trees in a certain area…

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If Each of Us Planted a Tree, Would It Slow Global Warming?

Whilst the best way possible to stop climate change would be to drastically reduce or stop emissions, planting trees can still play an important role in capturing historically existing carbon that is in the atmosphere. But exactly how much carbon could be captured if every human planed a tree? This…

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Are trees the answer to slow down climate change?

A study finds that restoring forests could help put a brake on global warming. The study concluded that the planet could support nearly 2.5 billion additional acres of forest with the absorption of 200 gigatons of carbon. Whilst the study found that this forest restoration could absorb about two-thirds of…

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Trees are Awesome!

Trees are alive in more than one sense. They play an ever-growing import role for us in the world we live in today. They can have a spiritual significance, as is the case in many cultures around the world. They can also be seen as a home base, the ‘heart…

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QUIZ: What are the most effective ways to curb climate change?

As the effects of climate change will only intensify solutions to remedy the warming earth become ever so important. Do you know what the best tactics are to tackling climate change? Take this quiz to see how well you can do and to understand the most effective ways that individuals,…

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