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What makes up your carbon footprint?
Crop and livestock production produces five billion tonnes of carbon dioxide annually which is about 26% of all greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to global warming. Almost 58% of carbon emissions from food consumption come from animal products with meat having the highest of carbon footprint.

Estimates of the greenhouse gas emissions from the transport sector vary from 14% of the total globally to 27% in EU-28 countries. Of this, tourism accounts for around 8% of global greenhouse gas emissions. In the UK, transport accounts to 26% of the total greenhouse gas emissions making it the highest polluting sector.
The share of residential sector in the total greenhouse gases emissions is 15% of the total emissions in UK. The key sources of carbon emissions at homes are transport (34%), heating (29%), electricity (21%), aviation (12%) and waste (4%). Building a new UK house in the UK emits on the average between 50-80 tonnes of CO2.
Life style factors that affect carbon emissions include diet (eating plant-based diet), buying local products, transportation (public transportation, eco-driving, riding bike), using green energy and energy efficient appliances, etc.